1.3 Organization of the User's Manual
The User Manual is broadly organized to guide the user through the triangulation process generally following the sequence discussed in Sections 1.1 and 1.2. Details of organizing the input data stream are discussed in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 covers the various options that control the character of the triangulation adjustment itself. Executing GIANT and its supporting routines, such as the reordering program, are discussed in Chapter 4. The final chapter discusses the contents of the GIANT output files. As mentioned above, it is assumed that the user is acquainted with the principles of photogrammetric triangulation, and little tutorial information is included here. For users who may wish to read further on the subject, an excellent and definitive reference for photogrammetric triangulation is the Manual of Photogrammetry published by the American Society of Photogrammetry. The NOAA technical memorandum NOS CGS-4, user’s Guide to GIANT, Version 3.0, available from the Information Service Branch of the National Geodetic Survey in Silver Spring, Maryland, is a reference which fully details a previously released version of this package.
 The generality and flexibility of GIANT make the use of the traditional photogrammetric nomenclature somewhat restrictive. Historically, triangulation has involved aerial photography, control points, tie points, pass points, etc. Since GIANT is not restricted to work with aerial photography, the notion of a photo is generalized to the concept of a frame. A frame can be regarded as any source that produces central perspective projection imagery typical of all frame cameras. Coordinate measurements on such frames are classically thought of, and referred to, as points. GIANT generalizes use of the word point with the term image

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