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  Elasoft, Inc. develops state of the art on-line solutions that enable clients to automate and transform the management of projects, facilities, information sharing, processes and reporting.

The company was founded in 1995. Elasoft engineering staff provide customers with solutions that vary from standalone desktop applications to client/server web applications

The company services include all aspects of automated Facilities Management , automated Conflict Resolution Management, and client consulting in the field of Mapping/Photogrammetry.

Elasoft has a client base that can attest to the successful implementation of high quality, customer friendly and affordable electronic solutions.

Elasoft Management Team

Dr. Elassal

Dr. Elassal is an internationally known photogrammetrist. He is the principal designer and developer of many major systems in the fields of mapping and charting. The following systems are some of his major accomplishments during a career spanning 40 years in academic, private industry, and federal government positions. Major systems designed, and developed under his supervision include:

GIANT and MUSAT series of aerotriangulation programs. These programs are in use at major private and governmental organizations around the world.
GCTP (general cartographic transformation package) which is widely considered as a primary package for map projection transformations.
IDPF (Integrated Digital Photogrammetric Facility) which is a complex of computer controlled facilities of analytical plotters interfaced to data bases and data analysis and preparation components. IDPF is the facility used in regular production by the photogrammetric operations of the Office of National Geodetic Survey of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Omar Elassal

Omar Elassal is a senior systems engineer, in-charge of our Federal Web Development Division. Mr. Elassal has developed several major Internet/Intranet systems in the field of facilities management, project management and conflict resolution. Mr. Elassal is specialized in Cold Fusion and asp.net development, database management, network management , application security and graphic design. The following systems are some of his major accomplishments during the past three years:

Department of Education , facilities management Intranet system. The system uses our Facilities spider technology to display/exchange data between several internal systems. The system is also used to manage/display Cad drawings, project management, budget reconciliation and asset management.
Department of Agriculture , Project management system. The Internet based system assists the Design and Construction Division to manage project review process, construction RFI, shop-drawings, punch-list and Cad drawings.
Department of Agriculture , Conflict resolution management system. The Internet based system helps the Conflict Prevention and Resolution Center to manage consultation, consultation, mediation and large group cases. v
Kevin Shin

Kevin Shin is a senior Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) engineer, in-charge of our Federal Facilities Automation Division. Mr. Shin specializes in: CAFM software evaluation, implementation and end-user training, Client/Server database implementation and administration, Helpdesk system implementation, administration and customization, External application/database interface via ODBC, and AutoCAD technical support. The following systems are some of his major accomplishments during the past three years:

Department of Education , Nationwide CAFM system implementation with over forty department occupied sites. The system tracks all aspects of space related data including: Space Management with AUTOCAD interface, Barcode based Asset Management for IT and Non-IT assets, ED employee tracking system, Rent System, etc.
Department of Education , Headquarter Helpdesk system implementation. The department wide helpdesk system in HEAT6.1. Provides on-site support including, security control for users, various query generation, customize report, client/server backend support and etc.
Department of Agriculture , CAFM system implementation for four Headquarter building with over 2 million usable space. Provided initial architectural survey and AUTOCAD implementation. Implementation of BOMA standard. Various space analyst using Archibus software.
Department of Defense , Pentagon Modernization. Oversaw Architectural/Engineering Survey for the building modernization. Provide user interface for survey data input. System customization for the data interface with SPAN system.